Ethylene-d4 Glycol

Find complete chemical information for Ethylene-d4 Glycol. Clearsynth offers high purity Ethylene-d4 Glycol for worldwide delivery

In the realm of chemical applications, one substance that stands out is Ethylene-d4 Glycol. Renowned for its versatility and unique properties, Ethylene-d4 Glycol finds widespread use across various industries. From its role as a crucial component in antifreeze formulations to its applications in the synthesis of specialty chemicals, this compound plays a pivotal role in numerous processes.

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Chemical Properties: Ethylene-d4 Glycol

Product Name Ethylene-d4 Glycol
CAT No. CS-T-54448
CAS No. 2219-51-4
Category Stable Isotope Reagent
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. 66.09 g/mol
Mol. For. C2H2D4O2
Hazardous This is a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
MSDS View Sample MSDS
Smileys [2H]C([2H])(O)C([2H])(O)[2H]
Canonical Smiles C(CO)O
Inchl InChI=1S/C2H6O2/c3-1-2-4/h3-4H,1-2H2/i1D2,2D2
IUPAC 1,1,2,2-tetradeuterioethane-1,2-diol
Controlled No
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How is Ethylene-d4 Glycol used ?

Ethylene-d4 Glycol is primarily used in Pharmaceutical Industry and Drug Discovery.


    • Deuterated Ethylene Glycol
    • Ethylene Glycol-d4
    • D4-Ethylene Glycol
    • C2D4(OH)2
    • Ethylene Glycol, deuterium labeled
    • Heavy Ethylene Glycol
    • Ethylene Glycol, D4-labeled
    • 1,2-Ethanediol-d4

Related Compounds

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This page contains information about Ethylene-d4 Glycol. You can buy Ethylene-d4 Glycol from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality Ethylene-d4 Glycol