1. Isotope Tracer Studies:
tert-Butanol-d9 plays a vital role in isotope tracer studies, serving as a versatile tool for tracing the pathways of chemical reactions. Its isotopic composition enables researchers to follow the movements of deuterium-labeled molecules, providing valuable insights into reaction mechanisms and molecular transformations.
2. Pharmaceutical Industry Applications:
The labeled compound finds extensive use in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in drug metabolism studies. tert-Butanol-d9 facilitates a deeper understanding of how drugs undergo metabolic processes within biological systems. Its isotopic labeling allows researchers to track the fate of drug molecules, aiding in the optimization of drug formulations and pharmacokinetic studies.
3. Drug Metabolism Studies:
tert-Butanol-d9's application in drug metabolism studies is instrumental in unraveling the complex interactions between drugs and biological systems. By incorporating deuterium into drug molecules, researchers can precisely monitor metabolic pathways, identify metabolites, and enhance their understanding of drug behavior in vivo.
4. Bulk Production to Meet Demand:
The bulk production of tert-Butanol-d9 is driven by the increasing demand for isotopically labeled compounds in scientific research. Its availability in large quantities responds to the growing need for reliable and standardized isotopic tracers, supporting advancements in diverse scientific fields.
5. Advancements in Scientific Fields:
The widespread use of tert-Butanol-d9 contributes to advancements in various scientific fields. Its applications in isotope tracer studies and drug metabolism research pave the way for discoveries in chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology, showcasing its indispensability in pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
6. Precision in Molecular Studies:
Researchers leverage tert-Butanol-d9 for its role in providing precision in molecular studies. Its deuterium label enhances the stability and traceability of molecules, allowing for accurate measurements and detailed investigations in the intricate processes of chemical and biological reactions.
7. Optimization of Drug Formulations:
In the pharmaceutical industry, tert-Butanol-d9 aids in the optimization of drug formulations. Understanding how drugs undergo metabolic processes helps in refining drug designs, improving therapeutic efficacy, and minimizing potential adverse effects.
8. Isotopically Labeled Compound Demand:
The bulk production of tert-Butanol-d9 is driven by the increasing demand for isotopically labeled compounds. As researchers across scientific disciplines seek reliable tools for their studies, the availability of tert-Butanol-d9 in large quantities supports a wide range of applications, contributing to scientific progress.
In summary, tert-Butanol-d9's versatility in isotope tracer studies and drug metabolism research, coupled with its role in responding to the demand for isotopically labeled compounds, highlights its indispensability in advancing scientific understanding across diverse domains. Its bulk production facilitates precision in molecular studies and supports the continuous pursuit of knowledge in various scientific fields.
GHS Classification Tree
SID 391232262
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This product is solely intended for research purposes and is not approved for human consumption.