Frequently Asked Questions

  • I do not have an account with Clearsynth. Can I still place an online order?

    Yes. If you do not have an account, simply use the Quick Checkout option while placing your order

  • Are orders placed online secure?

    Yes. Data submitted to and from our web server is encrypted using the Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. This protects the data while it travels over the Internet and is unencrypted for display by your computer.

  • What will my information be used for?

    All data submitted to Clearsynth is confidential and will not be sold to any third party under any circumstances.

  • I cannot find an item on your website but I believe you do carry it. Can I still order it?

    If you can't find an item, you can either send an Enquiry via the Enquiry form or email us at Alternatively, we invite you to call us to inquire.

  • What if I have a question about my Order?

    To enquire about a particular order, you can login to 'My Account' or send us an E-mail (Remember to include your name and account information or Contact us via phone)

  • What Payment methods are accepted?

    Clearsynth accepts Credit/Debit Cards or Purchase Orders for payment of online orders. Clearsynth accepts the following corporate credit or debit cards: Mastercard, Visa and American Express.

  • Will my online order be subject to contractual pricing?

    Contractual pricing is not currently displayed on the Clearsynth website, but will be applied when the order is processed. Your order confirmation, sent by e-mail, will reflect any contractual pricing.

  • What confirmation will I receive?

    Shortly after you submit your order, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing your order number. At any time, you may check the status of your order using the Clearsynth Order Tracking system. If Clearsynth requires clarification, we may contact you via email with queries about your order.

  • How do I register?

    Please email us at to create your account.

  • Do I have to register to place an Order?

    No, you can place orders with a Guest account too.

  • I forgot my password. What should I do?

    Please use the ''My Account'' option on top of this page to reset your password.

  • Is there anything I can't order online?

    Generally you can order anything online that we offer in our Catalog. Some items may be subjected to regulatory review by Clearsynth Health and Safety Department or may be restricted in certain geographical areas. Under the circumstance, you shall be informed of any delay in shipment of your order.

  • Can I place an order from anywhere in the World?

    Yes. Clearsynth website accepts orders from all countries except those with export restrictions.

  • Can I have a Quote or Proforma Invoice Prepared?

    You can submit your order as a proforma or request for quote. Simply type "PRO FORMA" or "QUOTE REQUEST" in the comments field during the checkout process. A Clearsynth customer service representative will contact you with a price quote or to obtain any additional information required to provide a quote.

  • What if an item is not currently in stock when I order it?

    If an item is not shown as in stock, you can still place it in your shopping basket and order the item. When Clearsynth receives your order, a representative will notify you of the back order lead-time for that item.

  • What if I cannot find MSDS?

    In some cases MSDS may not be available online. You can send us a request for the MSDS you seek. Since information is not available on all the possible hazards of many compounds, the absence of a warning must not be interpreted as an indication of a product's safety.

  • Why register?

    * Registration allows you access to real-time price and availability information. It also is necessary to be registered to place orders and track orders.

    * Please complete the entire registration form as accurately as possible. The information you provide will be automatically loaded into the many forms on our website.

    * If you set up your computer to accept cookies, it can be used to identify you when you login to our website.

    * Users may register at any time by selecting the "REGISTER" button.

    * Users may not place orders without registering and/or logging-in.

    * If you forget your password, your "Forgot password" reminder should help you remember it. If not, please email us at We shall reset your password to a random word and then email it back to you. You can then log in with that password and change it to one of your choice through the "Update Profile" feature.

  • What is cookie?

    A cookie is a small piece of information that a website can store in a designated file on your computer. Many websites utilize cookies. If you set up your computer to accept cookies, it can be used to identify you when you login to a website. When you visit a site, that site can only access the information in the cookie that is placed on your system, not information in any other cookie placed by any other site, nor any other information on your system.

  • When would I update my profile?

    You may update your profile to change an address, phone number or other information from 'My Account'

  • How do I use Product Search?

    The Product Search allows you to search the entire Clearsynth Catalog database using a number of criteria. Search within the search engine defaults or search the entire database and also choose to search only a specific compound.

    Product Description: Enter the key words in the description of the product you are seeking. The system will search on word fragments. For instance, a search will show all results with both words.

    CAT Number: If you know the item number of the Clearsynth product you seek, simply enter the five or six digit number.

    CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) Number: The CAS number search allows you to enter the three-part Chemical Abstract Service number of the item you seek.

    Note: CAS numbers vary in how specifically they define the material. Clearsynth makes every effort to provide the most specific CAS number that applies. Where a CAS number is provided for a mixture or solution, it is generally the CAS number of the solute or component referred to in the main label name.

    How to search: To begin searching the catalog, simply enter the information to be searched into the appropriate text field. If you enter data into more than one field, the search engine will default to search by item number first, then by CAS number and then by description.

    Press the "Quick Search" key and the system will search for that product(s) and display the result.

  • How do I order Products?

    To order a product, first locate it through the search engine. Then choose the size and quantity you desire and add it to your shopping basket. Once you have selected all your items, click checkout and the instructions at the top of each page will guide you through the process.

  • Can I obtain a Certificate of Analysis online?

    Most Certificates of Analysis can be obtained by going to the product page.

  • How do I submit a technical Enquiry?

    You can email us your technical questions at